St. Louis Criminal Defense Lawyer: What Separates a Great Criminal Defense Lawyer from a Mediocre One?


A criminal conviction can have damaging consequences that could last a lifetime. When you are facing criminal charges, your best bet would be to consult with a dedicated and experienced St Louis criminal defense lawyer. Perhaps the most important decision in this situation would be the choice of your attorney. Here are some of the key qualities that you should look for in a St Louis criminal lawyer because these will distinguish a great attorney from an ordinary one.

Knowledge and Experience

You should focus on choosing a criminal lawyer who has the deep domain expertise and thorough knowledge of the local criminal laws and procedures in Missouri. At the same time, they should have a complete understanding of your federal and state constitutional rights. Knowledge is the prerequisite to solid preparation of appropriate defenses for your cases, which can help you win your freedom.

In addition to legal expertise and knowledge, your St Louis criminal defense lawyer should have years of experience in fighting criminal cases within the state. There is no substitute for experience, no matter what. Experienced criminal attorneys are able to think on their feet before a judge or jury in the court and sense the direction where the arguments are going. That helps them adjust legal strategy to increase your possibility of winning the case.

Negotiating Expertise

From experience, your criminal attorney in St. Louis will be able to evaluate the strength of your case and will provide you the right advice about whether it is worth taking the case to trial. If you decide to settle the case out of court, the negotiating expertise of your lawyer comes into play. You would certainly want to have a strong negotiator who can persuade the prosecution and court to agree to negotiation as well as extract the best deal on your behalf under the circumstances.

Meticulous Preparation

In criminal cases, the devil invariably lies in the details. Your St Louis criminal defense lawyer should understand the importance of extensive preparation and should not shy away from over-preparation where necessary. Every potential witness, every single piece of evidence, and every possibility must be explored, examined, and evaluated in painful details. Hard work, resourcefulness, and the ability to prepare can make the difference between winning and losing in a criminal case.

Communication Skills

Your St Louis criminal lawyer should be an excellent communicator. Effective communication does not only involve good speaking, but also active listening. Your lawyer should be willing to listen to you carefully and address all your questions and concerns in a clear, concise manner.

Best attorney-client relationships are formed when the communication between them is open, transparent, and unambiguous. Your attorney should be able to present before you the best legal options and the pros and cons of each. This is critical for you to make the right decisions when the stakes are so high.

Seek Legal Help from a Leading St Louis Criminal Defense Lawyer

When your freedom and reputation are at stake, you need the most astute and dependable criminal defense lawyer who can fight for your rights. At Miller & Hine, we know what it takes to win a criminal case. Our lawyers are committed to helping you achieve the best outcome and put your life back on track. To schedule a free consultation, call us at (314) 413-2053 or reach us online.