
Guide to Strengthening Your Car Accident Claim


A serious car accident is one of the most frightening experiences a human can endure. In the immediate aftermath of an accident, emotions run high, with the rush of adrenaline sometimes masking serious injuries. In some cases, you could be unconscious or incapacitated. It’s difficult to think of anything except surviving the accident, but as…

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How to Handle an Accident Over State Lines


No one expects a road trip to end in an accident, but every year thousands of accidents occur to motorists visiting or driving through other states on vacations, family visits, or business travel. While navigating the nation’s highways, there’s little evidence—other than “welcome” signs—to notify drivers that they’ve crossed a state line, yet different states…

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What to Do If You’re Injured as a Passenger In a Car Accident


One of the most traumatic impacts of a car accident is the sudden loss of control during the crash. Unfortunately, the feeling of complete loss of power is even more devastating for passengers, especially if they suffer serious injuries. An injured passenger’s distress often continues long after the accident when they encounter Missouri’s fault-based claim…

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Sleep Troubles After a Car Accident


Serious car accidents are terrifying experiences, especially when a motorist suffers injuries or sees a loved one with them sustain grave injuries or a fatality as a passenger. During the immediate trauma of the accident, an adrenaline rush occurs as one of the body’s critical self-defense and coping mechanisms. The adrenaline rush may also mask…

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Can You Drive a Farm Vehicle on the Road In Missouri?


Missouri is a flourishing farm state with 87,887 farms growing mainly corn, soybeans, and hay, as well as raising livestock. Two-thirds of the state’s acreage supports the farming industry. Motorists in Missouri have a duty to remain vigilant to the presence of farm vehicles entering roadways and driving along with typical traffic. A farm vehicle…

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