
What Are Missouri’s Seat Belt Laws?


Despite widespread information about the safety benefits of seat belts, as many as 53% of Americans killed in car accidents were unbelted at the time of the accident. In Missouri, 68% of car accident fatalities in 2020 occurred to unbelted motorists. According to the CDC, seatbelts reduce the risk of death to drivers and front-seat…

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Does My Driving Record Affect My Car Accident Case?


After a car accident with injuries, the victim may quickly feel overwhelmed by medical bills, property damage to their vehicle, and lost paychecks while they’re recovering from their injuries. In Missouri’s fault-based insurance state, in order to recover the maximum compensation for their damages, they must prove the other driver was at fault for the…

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[Study] The Deadliest and Safest Cities for Pedestrians


It’s dangerous out there if you’re a pedestrian. The number of pedestrians killed in car crashes has skyrocketed to more than 7,500, according to the Governors Highway Safety Association. Not only does that figure represent a 77% increase in pedestrian fatalities since 2010 — compared to 25% for all other traffic fatalities — but it’s…

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Missouri’s New Ban on Distracted Driving


Distracted driving has been a growing problem in the decades since the popularity explosion of the iPhone and society’s growing dependence on electronic devices. While most people surveyed believe they can safely read and answer a text while driving, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration calls texting “an alarming distraction,” and demonstrates that at 55mph,…

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Do I Need a Lawyer for a Car Accident if I Wasn’t at Fault?


Dealing with the aftermath of an accident is always distressing, especially when you’re trying to juggle recovering from injuries with trying to recover your financial losses. But when it’s clear that you were not the one at fault for the accident, you might think you can simplify a complex matter by skipping the process of…

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