Jackknife Truck Accidents

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Large commercial trucks are a key component of the freight industry, including in Missouri. We rely on the goods and services brought to our communities through semi-tractor trailer trucks; however, these immense, unwieldy vehicles pulling trailers congest the roadways and present a significant hazard to smaller passenger vehicles. A fully loaded commercial truck can outweigh an average family car by as much as 76,000 pounds.

When a commercial truck has an accident, it’s always a chaotic scene, but never so much as during a jackknife accident. Involvement in a jackknife truck accident is one of the biggest dangers travelers face on the roadway. For legal assistance with this type of accident, let our truck accident attorneys in Kansas City help.

What Is a Truck Jackknife Accident?

When a semi-tractor-trailer truck—sometimes called an 18-wheeler—pulls a trailer, the trailer attaches to the cab at a single pivot point through a fifth-wheel assembly and kingpin. The cab of the truck pulls the trailer along behind, operating in sync when functioning correctly. Unfortunately, under some circumstances, the truck’s trailer slides out of alignment with the tractor. This can occur when the tractor slows suddenly and the trailer’s momentum keeps going. The trailer swings forward and sideways, pushing the cab to one side where it often tips over into a crash. As the trailer slides to a stop, it forms an angle position like a partly opened jackknife.

What Causes Trucks to Jackknife?

Truck drivers have a responsibility to take all reasonable measures to avoid causing injury to others on the road. Despite that, an average of 168,000 commercial truck accidents occur each year. Driver error accounts for most truck accidents, but some accidents result from equipment malfunctions and other causes. The most common causes of jackknife accidents include the following:

Most truck accidents occur due to negligence. Even during inclement weather with slippery roads, a truck driver must appropriately adapt their driving to the road conditions by reducing their speed and lengthening their stopping time.

What Makes Jackknife Truck Accidents So Dangerous to Other Motorists?

When a truck has a jackknife accident it happens very suddenly and without warning to other approaching motorists. In moments, the open jackknife position of the truck and trailer blocks up to three lanes. In many cases, approaching drivers do not have adequate stopping time and crash into the trailer and truck. Truck jackknife accidents are one of the most common causes of multi-car pileup accidents on major highways.

Some of the most catastrophic injuries caused by jackknife truck accidents occur when a smaller vehicle moving in the same direction collides with the trailer and due to the height of the trailer, becomes wedged underneath.

Liability for Truck Jackknife Accidents

When a motorist suffers injuries in a collision with a jackknifed truck, they have a right to file a compensation claim for damages like medical expenses, lost wages, and compensation for pain and suffering. If a family loses a loved one due to fatal injuries in a jackknife truck accident, a wrongful death claim brings additional compensation. Proving fault and liability can be complicated in this type of claim due to multiple potentially liable parties. The liable party in a truck accident could be one or more of the following:

It takes an in-depth investigation to pinpoint liability and make a compelling case for an injury victim’s damages.

How Can a Missouri Truck Accident Lawyer Help?

Truck accident injuries are serious and come with serious or life-altering consequences. The results of a truck accident claim are critical. Call the Kansas City personal injury lawyers at Miller & Hine Attorneys at Law so we can evaluate the merits of your case and begin a strong legal strategy on your behalf.